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About The Firm

The Law Office of Anne C. Connolly was founded in April 2009 by Anne Connolly who was born and raised in the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts.  She earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Saint Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont where she studied history and political science.  She was inducted into Phi Alpha Theta (the International History Honor Society), was the recipient of the National Dean’s List Award for two consecutive years and was also routinely on the college’s Dean’s List.  In addition to these academic achievements, Anne was also involved in a variety of student organizations and various community service activities both on and off campus.  Anne was also chosen to work as a summer intern for one of the Massachusetts Superior Court Clerks.

Anne also studied European History, politics and law at Wroxton College located in the English Countryside.  While in England, Anne was fortunate to travel throughout many European Countries, an avocation which she continues to enjoy today.

Her formal legal education however, began at Suffolk University Law School in Boston, Massachusetts.  Not only did she excel in her studies by being inducted into Phi Delta Phi (the International Legal Honor Society) and was regularly named to the Dean’s List but she was also an active member of the student body.  Because of Anne’s extraordinary dedication and commitment to the community she was awarded the Cameron Scholarship which is awarded to Suffolk University Law School Students annually who are dedicated to serving and helping those less fortunate.

Following law school graduation, Anne immediately began working for a small law firm located in Newton, Massachusetts whose primary focus was on Personal Injury Law.  She was given her own cases and quickly developed a close repore with her clients.  While working for this firm, Anne was elected to the board of directors and then elected secretary of an organization which is responsible for raising money for those less fortunate both throughout the United States as well as abroad.

After several years of working closely with her clients in Newton, Massachusetts and the surrounding cities and towns, Anne transitioned into another field of law, Domestic Relations which is also known as Family Law.  She began working for another small firm which was located in the Merrimack Valley where she quickly became an invaluable member of this firm as well.  Once again she worked closely with her clients for several years until the owner retired and closed the firm.  Finding herself at a crossroad in her career, Anne elected to open her own firm.  Since April 2009 when the Law of Anne C. Connolly opened its doors Anne has worked closely with her clients just as she has done throughout her career however, she has largely expanded upon this tradition.  Anne strongly believes a client’s money is better spent either on the client’s children or themselves rather than costly legal fees.  As a result, the firm tries extremely hard to keep legal fees and costs as low as possible.  One of the ways which the firm is able to keep legal fees and costs down is to provide its clients with a choice of how they wish to retain the firm.  For example, a prospective client can hire the firm to represent them for a part of their case which is known as Unbundled Legal Services in New Hampshire or Limited Assistance Representation in Massachusetts.   Although Anne works closely with all of the firm’s clients and attempts to reach the best possible outcome in light of the totality of the specific client’s circumstances without going to trial and having the client spend a lot of money on legal fees and costs, this is not always possible.  In these circumstances Anne, who is an experienced litigator, will prepare your case properly for trial and your interests will be zealously advocated for.  Anne is a dedicated attorney who is highly sought after by prospective clients who are usually referred to the firm by former clients and/or through fellow attorneys because she is known as a passionate, fierce and loyal advocate of her clients’ interests and rights.  She often works many long hours to ensure her client’s future will be as secure as possible and their goals met in light of the client’s specific circumstances.  In addition, Anne keeps pace with the current laws by attending various seminars and programs throughout the year so she can pass along this information to the firm’s clients.

Anne is currently serving on the Norfolk Law Library Foundation Board of Directors.  She has also been elected to serve as the treasurer of the Foundation as well.  Knowing that some individuals are simply financially unable to hire an attorney, the Foundation provides the community with free access to the law by providing various legal resources as well as seminars to the general public.

If you have a legal issue(s) in New Hampshire or Massachusetts and would like to speak with the firm please feel free to contact the office and Anne will be happy to discuss it with you in greater detail and/or schedule an initial consultation at a convenient time for you.